Not only does Gravel City have a long history of supporting Emporia Freedom Fest, without them and their volunteers we could not run the awesome Gravel City Adventure and Supply Freedom Rides!  We love living in one of the best gravel grinding locations in the world and we love our subject matter experts on all things gravel grinding!  Please stop by and learn more about the joy of gravel grinding in our beautiful Flint HIlls and to find gear and tips for your next adventure!  Visit them online and after your ride on-site at 716 Commercial Street, Emporia, Kansas!


Gravel City Adventure & Supply Company exists to serve the greater Emporia (KS) cycling, running, and outdoor adventure communities. As a partner with Dirty Kanza Promotions, we seek to utilize the fine family of DK event sponsors to provide fun, entertaining, and innovative outdoor adventure opportunities. We look forward to working with you, to educate you... and to equip you for your next great adventure.