Typical Williamsburg Pest Control Problems
Williamsburg is part of the U.S.’s historic triangle along with Yorktown and Jamestown. It’s been settled for a very long time by both colonists and pests. Ticks and fleas are a couple of the problem pests in the area. Both of these creatures feed on blood and live in shrubbery, tall grass, and heavily wooded areas. Oftentimes, people don’t think of fleas and ticks when thinking of bugs, but they’re just as frustrating. Once they find their way onto humans and animals, infestations are likely. It’s important that Williamsburg residents check themselves and their animals before entering their homes after an extended period of time outside.

Wasps are also a problem pest in Williamsburg. Bees can be irritating enough when spending a summer day outside, but wasps are a whole different story. They’re typically bigger and smoother than bees. They’re also much more aggressive. If a wasp feels something or someone has invaded their space, they will attack. Unfortunately for innocent passersby, wasps have the ability to sting and bite multiple times without any repercussion to their health. It’s best to stay away if possible.

Fox Pest Control effectively exterminates fleas, ticks, and wasps. Our experienced technicians in Williamsburg work hard to get rid of pests for good. Call Fox Pest Control today.