Statesville, NC US 28677
New Location! Downtown Statesville!!
Register by April 18th to ensure you receive an event t-shirt! RAIN OR SHINE EVENT!
Join us for the 15th Annual Timmy Belcher Memorial Rainbow Kidz Ride & Run, in downtown Statesville!! This event includes a 5K, 10K and 35mi/60mi cycling routes (see below) for cycling enthusiasts, as well as a FUN RUN for kids. There is also a virtual option for those who prefer to participate at their own convenience! The event will begin and end on Broad Street, downtown Statesville in front of the Broad Street United Methodist Church, 315 W. Broad Steet. PACKET PICKUP WILL BE FRIDAY, MAY 2, from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. at Red Buffalo Brewing Company in downtown Statesville! Packets may also be picked up on race day, SATURDAY, MAY 4, from 6:45-7:45 a.m. Same day registration will be available for $35.
About Rainbow Kidz:
The Ride & Run benefits the Rainbow Kidz program of Hospice & Palliative Care of Iredell County. For twenty years, Rainbow Kidz has provided grief and bereavement support to children and families in our community. Since its inception, the program has grown from one part-time licensed clinical social worker to four full-time licensed clinical social workers to support more than 700 children annually. Today, grief groups are provided in nearly 50 schools in our county. One-on-one counseling is offered in both Statesville and Mooresville. Grief education is provided to hundreds of children each summer at the Boys & Girls Club and Statesville YMCA, and children experience a life-changing week at Camp Rainbow, a weeklong grief camp. All these services are offered at no cost to children, families, or the community.
About Timmy Belcher:
This event was born out of a dream from Timmy Belcher. Timmy had battled cancer for many years and experienced the love and generosity of our community, who supported our family every step of his cancer journey. Timmy lost his battle with cancer in 2011, just months after the first Ride & Run. With the support of Rainbow Kidz, both Timmy’s sister and brother learned the healthy coping skills needed to grieve their brother appropriately and continue to grow and build their lives. Although Timmy is no longer with us, his relationship with his siblings remains, and we hold him in our hearts every day.
Race Weekend Schedule:
Friday, May 2: Packet pick-up 4:30-6:30 p.m.- Red Buffalo Brewing Company- 108 N. Center Street, Statesville
Saturday, May 3:
- Packet pick-up and same-day registration Time TBD
- Welcome and National Anthem: Time TBD
- Cyclists depart: 7:30am
- Runners depart: 9:00am
- Fun Run: 11:00am
- Medals for runners: 11:15am
2025 Rainbow Kidz Ride & Run 5K/10K **Route not finalized and subject to change.
Start on West Broad St.
Turn Left on Mulberry
Turn Right on Walnut
Turn Right on Race Street
Turn Right on Ridgeway
Turn Right on N Mulberry
Turn Left on Turner
Turn Right on Kelly
Turn Right on Bingham
Turn Left on Mulberry
Turn Left on Race
Turn Left on Alexander
Turn Right on Mulberry and bear Right
Cross over West End
Turn Left on Broad Street
**10K Runners will continue to the turn around cone and run the route a second time.
10K - Overall First Male and Overall First Female
Top 3 male and top 3 female in each age group:
Under 13
13 – 19 years old
20 – 29 years old
30 – 39 years old
40 – 49 years old
50 – 59 years old
60 plus
5K - Overall First Male and Overall First Female
Top 3 male and top 3 female in each age group:
Under 13
13 – 19 years old
20 – 29 years old
30 – 39 years old
40 – 49 years old
50 – 59 years old
60 plus
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.