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Run the River

Sat April 20, 2024 Kennewick, WA 99336 US Directions

Course Marshall High Priority

At least 5 more volunteers needed.


Responsibilities will be to provide directions to the participants, provide ample encouragement and kudos, and to call for assistance when needed.



Traffic Control High Priority

At least 10 more volunteers needed.


Responsibilities will be to stop traffic at intersections to allow participants to pass through, provide ample encouragement and kudos, and to call for assistance when needed.



Sweep Medium Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.


Responsibilities will be to follow the last participants, provide ample encouragement and kudos, and to call for assistance when needed. Additional duties include picking up course markings and having a great time at the back of the pack.

Cleanup Medium Priority

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Responsibilities will be to assist in taking down and packing up the start/finish area and various aid stations. This will include moving and handling tables, chairs, canopies, ice chests, storage bins, traffic cones, etc.

Check-In and Registration Low Priority

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.


Check in participants and process new registrations.

Finish Line Medium Priority

Minimum met, 12 volunteer spots remaining.


Distribute finisher awards, prizes, and food to participants after they have finished.

Lead Cyclists Medium Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.


Stay with the lead male runner (or female depending on your assignment) and ensure they have a clear path ahead of them. May involve gentle persuasion to have oblivious dog walkers stay to the right.

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