5K and Fun Run

Run Course: The turnaround point is marked with signage, volunteers will direct you.
- Bib number must be visible at ALL TIMES and MUST be worn ON FRONT while running. It is MANDATORY during both runs and when you cross the finish line.
TIME LIMIT: 1 hour
MINIMUM AGE: To compete as an individual 6 years of age. Children under 6 years may only compete with parent or adult over the age of 18 years.
EVENT PARKING is adjacent to the Transition area in the museum parking lot or next door at the Fayetteville Executive Airport..
- Run and Walk competitors do not need an event license to participant
- Course are marked, but it's the racer's responsibility to know the courses
- There are 2 aid stations on run course - at the turnaround point and the transition area
- Water, Gatorade, oranges and bananas will be available as each racer finishes
- Event will be held rain or shine
- USA Track & Field Sanctioned Event and All USA Track & Field rules apply
- NO PARKING on Hwy 71B
- You will be timed with an electronic chip, which is secured to the shoe laces with a twist tie (provided). Each participant MUST wear the chip - NO CHIP, NO TIME!
- Lost chips or chips not returned will result in a $35 replacement fee. If you elect not to finish the race (DNF) please return your chip to the FINISH LINE immediately
- Bib number must be visible when crossing finish line.